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Zipkin tracing

Zipkin is a standard for microservices that want to expose a graph of requests sent between them.

Each service sets some headers on their response based on the values already set for those headers on the incoming request.

A clearer explanation can be found here.

Use in http4js

We provide a filter on the server Filters.ZIPKIN and a client Client.withZipkinHeaders(req). The two work together to add the correct headers to outbound requests.

Upstream servers need only add the Filters.ZIPKIN filter and the Filters.TIMING filter to their routes.

get('/', async(req) => ResOf(200, JSON.stringify(req.headers)))

However, clients will need to do something a bit special. This is because outbound zipkin request headers need to be generated based on incoming request headers.

get('/', async(req) => {
    const clientWithZipkinHeaders = Client.zipkinClientFrom(req);
    const upstream = await clientWithZipkinHeaders(ReqOf('GET', 'http://localhost:3001/'));
    return ResOf(200, JSON.stringify(upstream.headers));

This process could be hidden away, by either having a zipkin client put on the incoming req e.g. const client = req.zipkinClient or by placing the incoming zipkin request headers in some global state e.g. thread-local storage, so that clients can reach in and get the zipkin header values they need to make outbound requests with the correct zipkin headers. This is a bit dirty and difficult to achieve in Nodejs.


If your apps log zipkin headers to a central place, we can look back and build a trace by grouping logs together based on traceId and using parentId to create a tree structure representing the entire trace dependency graph.

We provide a basic collection function should you want to use it. Given an array of strings and an extractor, a function from a string to a ZipkinSpan, then it spits out a ZipkinSpan whose children and children’s children and so on shall be in the correct tree structure representing the requests and responses of the trace.

function ZipkinCollector(logLines: string[], extractor: (logLine: string) => ZipkinSpan): ZipkinSpan {
    const zipkinSpans = logLines.reduce((spans: ZipkinSpan[], line: string) => {
        const zipkinSpan = extractor(line);
        return spans;
    }, []);
    const topLevelRequest = zipkinSpans.find(it => !it.parentId);
    return treeStructure(topLevelRequest!, zipkinSpans);

    function treeStructure(root: ZipkinSpan, spans: ZipkinSpan[]): ZipkinSpan {
        const children = spans.filter(it => it.parentId === root.spanId);
        root.children = => treeStructure(child, spans));
        return root;

It assumes the logLines are for one trace, so to reduce over many traces you will need to write something like this:

function reduceLogsToTraces(allLogs: string[], extractTraceId: (line: string) => string) {
    const groupedByTraceId = allLogs.reduce((traces, line) => {
        if (traces[extractTraceId(line)] !== undefined) {
            traces[extractTraceId(line)] = traces[extractTraceId(line)].push(line)
        } else {
            traces[extractTraceId(line)] = [line]
    }, {});
    Object.keys(groupedByTraceId).reduce((zipkinTraces, traceId) => {
        zipkinTraces.push(ZipkinCollector(groupedByTraceId[traceId], extractor));
        return zipkinTraces;
    }, []);
    function extractor(logLine: string): ZipkinSpan {
        const logLineZipkinParts = logLine.split(';');
        const parentId = logLineZipkinParts[0];
        return {
            parentId: parentId ? +parentId : undefined,
            spanId: +logLineZipkinParts[1],
            traceId: +logLineZipkinParts[2],
            start: +logLineZipkinParts[3],
            end: +logLineZipkinParts[4],
            timeTaken: +logLineZipkinParts[4] - +logLineZipkinParts[3],
            children: [],


Below is an example of one server with a route that makes a client call to another server. Our client sets the correct zipkin headers by looking at the incoming req const client = Client.zipkinClientFrom(req);.

We use a custom debug filter, that appends its output to logLines in basic semi-colon delimited strings representing the information we care about: parentSpanId, spanId, traceId, startTime and endTime.

debugFilterBuilder({log: (line)=>logLines.push(line)}, (req, res) => (
        `${res.header('x-b3-parentspanid')};${res.header('x-b3-spanid')};${res.header('x-b3-traceid')};` +
        `${res.header('start-time')};${res.header('end-time')} || `

We have another route at /log which dumps our loglines into the browser and has a submit box that will go through the log lines and build a trace visualisation given a traceId.

import {get} from "./core/Routing";
import {ResOf} from "./core/Res";
import {Filters, debugFilterBuilder} from "./core/Filters";
import {HttpServer} from "./servers/NativeServer";
import {Client} from "./client/Client";
import {ReqOf} from "./core/Req";

const logLines = [];

// server requesting upstream
get('/', async(req) => {
    const client = Client.zipkinClientFrom(req);
    const upstream = await client(ReqOf('GET', 'http://localhost:3001/'));
    return ResOf(200, JSON.stringify(upstream.headers));
    .withGet('/log', async(req)=> {
        const html = `<div id="loglines">${logLines}</div>
<input id="traceId" value="${logLines[0] ? logLines[0].split(';')[2] : 'trace id'}">
<input id="submit" type="submit">
<div id="trace"></div>`;
        return ResOf(200, html + script)
    .withFilter(debugFilterBuilder({log: (line)=>logLines.push(line)}, (req, res) => (
        `${res.header('x-b3-parentspanid')};${res.header('x-b3-spanid')};${res.header('x-b3-traceid')};` +
        `${res.header('start-time')};${res.header('end-time')} || `

// upstream server
get('/', async(req) => ResOf(200, JSON.stringify(req.headers)))
    .withFilter(debugFilterBuilder({log: (line)=>logLines.push(line)}, (req, res) => (
        `${res.header('x-b3-parentspanid')};${res.header('x-b3-spanid')};${res.header('x-b3-traceid')};` +
        `${res.header('start-time')};${res.header('end-time')} || `

const script = `

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    document.getElementById('submit').addEventListener('click', () => {
        const loglines = document.getElementById('loglines').innerText.split(' || ');
        const newTraceId = document.getElementById('traceId').innerText
        document.getElementById('trace').innerHTML = drawHtml(ZipkinCollector(loglines, newTraceId)).outerHTML;

function drawHtml(zipkinTrace) {
    const topLevelRequestStartTime = zipkinTrace.start;

    const orderedSpans = [zipkinTrace].reduce((orderedList, span) => {
        return orderedList;

        function pushChild(span) {
            const child = {start: span.start, end: span.end, spanId: span.spanId, timeTaken: span.timeTaken};
            if (span.children.length > 0) => pushChild(child));
    }, []);

    const topLevelRequest = drawChild(orderedSpans[0]);
    orderedSpans.slice(1).map(span => {
    return topLevelRequest;

    function drawChild(child) {
        const el = document.createElement('div'); = 'lightgreen'; = 'column'; = 'relative'; = Math.floor(1024 * (child.start - topLevelRequestStartTime) / zipkinTrace.timeTaken) + 'px'; = 1024 * (child.end - child.start) / zipkinTrace.timeTaken + 'px'; = '25px';
        el.innerText = 'start: ' + child.start + ' end: ' + child.end + ' span: ' + child.spanId;
        return el;


function ZipkinCollector(allLoglines, traceId) {
    const traceLines = allLoglines.filter(it => it.indexOf(traceId) > -1);
    return collectTrace(traceLines);

    function collectTrace(logLines) {
        const zipkinSpans = logLines.reduce((acc, next) => {
            const logLineZipkinParts = next.split(';');
            const parentId = logLineZipkinParts[0];
            const zipkinSpan = {
                parentId: parentId ? +parentId : undefined,
                spanId: +logLineZipkinParts[1],
                traceId: +logLineZipkinParts[2],
                start: +logLineZipkinParts[3],
                end: +logLineZipkinParts[4],
                timeTaken: +logLineZipkinParts[4] - +logLineZipkinParts[3],
                children: [],
            return acc;
        }, []);
        const topLevelRequest = zipkinSpans.find(it => !it.parentId);
        return treeStructure(topLevelRequest, zipkinSpans);

    function treeStructure(root, spans) {
        const children = spans.filter(it => it.parentId === root.spanId);
        root.children = => treeStructure(child, spans));
        return root;


Prev: Approval testing with fakes

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